Polish education project non profit
in order to continue advanced scientific and artistic research on the visual quality
The skill of independent thinking
and of the “creative creation”
is the condition whether
a community survives or not.
The condition on which a genius survives is the possibility to function creatively,
being inspired day by day
Are You a genius? Let Us See You
and of the “creative creation”
is the condition whether
a community survives or not.
The condition on which a genius survives is the possibility to function creatively,
being inspired day by day
Are You a genius? Let Us See You
The Program of Promoting Quality in Visual Arts
The Polish enterprise is a first program in the world challenging the problem of Visual Quality in a complex and interdisciplinary way.
The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the Program Promoting Quality in Visual Arts as an innovative instrument supporting the vast activity on the field of the improvement of quality in the artistic education as well as the distribution of Visual Arts, aiming to a general improvement of social consciousness and the quality of visual surroundings.
The program contents result from a deep analysis of needs of the market of visual arts, providing a wide range of essential knowledge supplementary for academic programs of artistic education (i.e. multimedia techniques and computer graphic arts).
The results of scientific researches on the subject of quality of the visual surroundings, confirm that the progressive commercialisation and the deprofessionalisation of the artistic fields influence negatively on the average level of consciousness and its ability to properly evaluate the market of Visual Arts.
It concerns, not only the quality of personal (as well as professional) daily choices, but also concerns the proper artistic education – since the youngest years, which is absolutely necessary to inculcate consciousness into a young mind.
A culture respecting the natural law and the need of creative development are the basics and building materials of a healthy civilisation. The paradox lays in the fashion on healthy life style, multimedia techniques, computer graphic arts, hand made art and galleries which cooperate and distribute fashion (which lacks the quality and sufficient promotion of a truly creative and harmonic lifestyle).
The informative chaos we live in, the artificial “civilised hurry” disintegrate the level of our skill to distinguish a knowledge from a waste paper, a class from a mediocrity.
In such conditions, only units pretend to reach information of the highest quality standard.
What makes a difficulty in the situation of visual wizards and talented professionals is the lack of a general understanding of their individual needs.
Going forward challenges such as:
the downfall of artistic consciousness
and quality on the Visual Arts market,
progressive deprofessionalisation,
the lack of interest in effective promoting
the highest quality artistic works.
Let inspire a discussion
over the need of undertaking a common effort
on renovating the visual surroundings,
the meaning of necessary transformation
and an innovative approach
to the quality of life across the modern standards.
The program promoting visual quality is willing to cooperate, being a creative alternative for any consciousness which requires a better quality service.
Directly, it fills the gaps in the functioning of art units and the knowledge about the market.
Without a violation of the present structure of environments related with undertaken problems, it engages the specific character of the individual fields of Visual Arts deeply connected to bioarchitecture.
Finally, it is a parallel offer to create a new recepient – a sensible individual conscious of one’s needs, a potential of personality and self-realisation as a part of his/her surroundings.
Nowadays, we practice the quality management in every domain of our life.
AQVA is a qroup of quality in visual arts, but also it is managed in harmony with the quality management philosophy.
AQVA is a qroup of quality in visual arts, but also it is managed in harmony with the quality management philosophy.
This is the most universal paradigm of quality management, introduced in the seventies by Phillip Crosby, businessman and author who contributed to management theory and quality management practices. His belief was that an organisation that established a quality program will see savings returns that more than pay off the cost of the quality program:“quality is free”. Crosby’s response to the quality crisis was the principle of “doing it right the first time” (DIRFT).
He would also include four major principles:
-the definition of quality is conformance to requirements
(requirements meaning both the product specifications and the customer’s requirements)
-the system of quality is prevention
-the performance standard is zero defects
-the measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance
He would also include four major principles:
-the definition of quality is conformance to requirements
(requirements meaning both the product specifications and the customer’s requirements)
-the system of quality is prevention
-the performance standard is zero defects
-the measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance
Red Bubble AQVA Gallery